Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Birthday Girl

Woke up after a bad nights sleep. J's parent’s spare bed has a mattress that is too hard for my back.
Left and went over to collect J's niece who’s birthday it was yesterday. The plan was to take her into town to Waterstones and let her choose some books for her present, as she is an avid reader.
6 books and a quite a few pounds later we met her sister and mother and went for a coffee and muffin in Starbugs.
From there it was back to the house before going bowling. Managed to get 115 and come second. Not too bad.
After bowling it was time to catch up with the qualifying for the last race of the season before going to the pub for tea.
There was a slight accident in the pub and the birthday girl got splashed with a little bit of water in the toilet. This lead to a major strop for the rest of the night.
Tried to watch Dr Who with no luck before going back to J's parents and bed.

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