
I have seen this gorgeous Afghan hound a few times now and today I plucked up the courage to ask the owner if I could photograph her. I don't think I have ever met such a happy ditsey dog. If you have ever seen the programme 'Mongrels' they have got the Afghan puppet down to a tee!

Just back from the V.E.T as Tallulah has a little lump on her eye lid which is causing her some annoyance. As its our second visit an operation is called for. Tallulah is insured so cost is not an issue, however being 12 1/2 I am more concerned about the anaesthetic. I got chatting to the vet about a few other things I have noticed about Tallulah and now she has had blood tests and we need to do a urine test. All sounds a bit scary.

On a happier note I think catching a urine sample is certainly a job for Mr PB!

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