Nothing Was Delivered*

I spent the day at a nutrition course and came home to find Huw (right) planning supper.

He made Yang Rou Pao Mo, a mutton stew from the Shaanxi Province of north central China. Literally 'lamb-soaked bread', you tear up your just-made unleavened flatbread and lay it on the bottom of your bowl before the meat broth is served on top. This contained mutton, glass noodles (made of bean starch), wood ear fungus, pickled cabbage, pak choy and fresh coriander (niftily sourced by Gwyn, left, on his way home from work.) I won't even attempt to list the spices and other flavourings involved. Not only did the meal taste sublime but it combined just about every food group in one single nutritious dish. No takeway meal this...

* Nothing Was Delivered (Dylan with The Byrds)
This is my fourth successive Bob Dylan song title blip but they'll be more occasional from now on. I've been fitting song to image rather than vice versa and it could get a little too contrived. But feel free to join in!

For a closer look at the Yang Rou Pao Mo see Huw's own blip of it here .

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