
By WeeChris

Grass significance

I have been brooding all day about significance and insignificance after reading Talpa's entry yesterday about the paucity of space in which stars are extant and the enormity of the universe…..

We are all insignificant on a cosmic scale. Our significance is local - to our family, our colleagues, our friends. it extends out in wider and wider ripples of greater diameter but lesser influence. We influence those who are close to us and receptive or vulnerable - I am influenced 40 years after the events by the bully who taunted me at school, but also by the anatomy teacher who nurtured my interest 35 years ago (who died recently) and the client who asked an unusually perceptive question yesterday. So our significance is local and particular but it extends in time and space beyond us in peculiar and particular dimensions.

What could be less significant than grass?

All flesh is grass.

Fill in the missing dots as you see fit.

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