Photo-a-day retirement

By mpp26

Bees like blue

Grey windy drizzly day so not much good for photography, not that I had any time. We had a scope of works - costings, which arrived yesterday after two months of silence and they wanted it checked and returned in 24 hours. So as usual we snapped to attention, luckily no work today and spent the whole morning checking it room by room, marking all the errors and omissions - Things like saying the house was gib when it's largely lath and plaster that's been damaged, renewing the carpets quoted twice - only a little error worth $9000 wrong measurements for all the exterior walls, etc etc.

They will "correct it" and we will have another few hours to recheck it. No stress.

And the ultimate item of interest being we still don't even know what they are actually planning to do because the engineer hasn't seen it. So this could all be a complete waste of time. And they may push it over in the end anyway.

Three plus years now - wonder how long it will take? apparently there's around 80-100,000 houses still in limbo like us.

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