Learning day by day

By EmmaF

A Rose in Winter

Back to school/nursery today. For Jim it was back to the GP for a further sick note, he was then sent on for some more bloods to see if there is anything underlying that might be prolonging this viral meningitis.

When W and I got home from nursery Daddy was sleeping, so after lunch to keep the house quiet, we headed out to the soft play. It was really quiet, which was nice. There was a bubble machine going and W spent the first 20mins chasing and popping bubbles, before he even ventured onto the play frame. I am full of cold now and feeling fairly tired, so I took advantage and sat nursing my decaff coffee watching him play from a far.

Back to pick up C from school. After tea I left the children to help Daddy put them to bed, while I went to nursery to hear all about the boychild.

Apart from confirming the news that his teacher and keyworker is leaving at Christmas (I'm gutted and there have been tears from William), it was a very good ten minutes. He is well behaved and polite, is friends with everyone, works collaboratively with his friends. He is where he should be in his ages and stages but above where he should be for literacy and PSE. We need to work on strengthening up his arms for writing and he is learning/trying very hard to put his hand up and take his turn at talking, rather than shouting out. She had him down to a tee, so upset that she won't be there for the next two terms. Fingers crossed the replacement is as on the ball.

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