
By ElectricFish

New Tyres

You would imagine some new tyres would be an easy task, wouldn't you?.... Well seemingly not when you live in a village... Need to be somewhere soon and the trip will be fast so decided on a set of new tyres,,,, the cargo is precious... So off I go to the garage for 11:30 this morning and Adrian is having lunch ( it's a habit he obviously picked up, when he moved from Poland, from the local farmers!!).... My size tryes not in stock so come back for 2pm... So I did...and at 2:10 rang his mobile to see where he was so he says they'll be in a 3pm-ish.... So I wandered down to the estuary for a couple of hours as 3-ish could be 4pm... I love village life....... So many odd balls you can relax around....Everything is available......tomorrow or next week...... while instantly, in the city which is only an hour away...... but the conversations are more forced and the chance of running into friends less likely.... I love the village life where we watch for strangers...... I love the city to renew my sanity every so often.....

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