Snapshots of rural France

By SuzB

Magnificent Sunrise

I woke up at 7h30 and looked out of the window. There was promise of a decent sunrise so I immediately got togged up in warm gear and headed down the valley. (well it was minus 3)

There is something quite magical about watching the scene unfold, constantly changing. Just you, and your camera (and tripod) Hearing the village waking up and the early workers starting out. This was better than any spectacle I have seen and kept changing second by second. Looking at the photos as a contact sheet it is fascinating to see the big blousey cloud on the left form and be taken by the wind to create this huge kind of brush stroke on the image.

Makes you glad to be alive.

ps this is straight from the camera no editing apart from a little dust removal (yes the sensor needs cleaning AGAIN look large if you want to see the dust…lol) and lens profile correction)

I have now removed all the dust (time consuming) and edited the RAW image which if it may be of interest is here

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