living in a glass house

By DandelionTree

Ninja chalker

The kidlets had the chalk out this afternoon. Chickpea wrote some letters, including Monkey's name and hers, and drew a picture of her and daddy again. They seem to be her favourite things to draw. Monkey made lots of lines, some straight and some squiggly.

Chickpea quote of the day--
Leading up to the quote we were talking about what Maths are. I said, "If I had 2 bananas and 1 apple how much fruit would I have all together?" She said, "three." Then I said, "If I had 3 apples and you ate one and Monkey ate one how many would I have left?" She said "one." First of all I was kind of surprised she could do those sums as we haven't really specifically worked on anything like that. Then she said, "What if I had 1 crown and 2 vacuum cleaners?" Ha ha, I love the way her mind works.

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