
Hi everyone!

I know I have an unusual blip today, but let me explain. School wasn't the best today. I had an extreme mood swing in the morning (Happy to sad/depressed in a matter of minutes), which I hated. Later in the day, I continued with preparing my Photography presentation for class, which I feel horribly anxious about, and tomorrow we have a ceilidh (Pronounced kay-lay), which is Scottish dancing, to celebrate St.Andrews day, which I really don't want to do, as it involves holding hands and touching people, something which I just cannot do ( I don't know why - I just sort of panic whenever people touch me for more than a few seconds - I only hug my friends on very rare occasions).

Anyway, as I sat on the school bus at the end of the day, my hands started shaking uncontrollably, I felt really sick, had pains in my abdomen, and felt like bursting into tears. Luckily, my friend Louise was sitting next to me, (and people I knew were sitting in front & behind), and she talked me through it. I was panicking quite a bit, and whenever I tried stopping my hands shaking, it started in my legs and/or teeth/head. Thankfully, it stopped after a while, and I believe I had an anxiety attack. I've had mini-ones before (As well as panic attacks a few years ago). I am going to talk to a teacher about it. I have to admit - I need help.

Have a good weekend


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