
By EmmySusanne

Lady Marlene

It's my 300th blipday! How exciting! :)

Well, some of you have gotten to know me well over the last 300 days, and know that I like lurking in the shadows, and so I did today (well, late last night as I couldn't sleep) in a self-portrait as an homage to the wonderful Marlene Dietrich – of course cheekbones would have helped for a more accurate depiction of Marlene, hehe!

I've had some ups and downs this year, some very stressful times, a lot of work and not a lot of play, but that's life, I still managed a blip every day! I'm seeing brighter times on the horizon though.. I started this journey just one day after my friend PW and I'm thrilled that we're both still at it and it'll be a year soon!

I've been doing the lovely DDW's challenge for at least 6 months and it's always great fun. I've improved, I've learnt, I've figured out what I like photographing most and I love seeing everyone's amazing shots, going “WOW” at least once every day. Thanks for the lovely comments and all the energy you've been sending me through tough times XXX

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