Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

The lost art of correspondence

I like my computer and my iPhone and all the other technical delights that assist communication but when it comes to letter writing they just don't hack it. This afternoon I got off a bit early and decided to put pen to paper to reply to a letter received from a good friend. I have written letters longhand all my life and letters received are always kept and valued. They contain the stories of lives lived, of hope and joy, of plans and expectations, of failures, sorrow and disappointments. The equipment is important. I use the Parker fountain pen received as a 21st birthday gift which is still going strong, black Quink ink and sometimes the Victorian writing slope. The process of writing is so much more enjoyable when undertaken in this manner. Thoughts and words run onto the page aided by the kinaesthetic movement of the hand and the flow of the ink. It is a real pleasure. I have recently started writing some letters using voice recognition software but one thing is certain, I shall never abandon my fountain pen!

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