The street of Life

By camilorojas

Yesterday, during Thanksgiving Day, the turkeys went in the oven, the fixins were assembled and families gathered to celebrate a cherished holiday.
But this year, that special day was interrupted as major retail stores opened their doors and Americans dropped their forks early and headed for the mall.

Today, once again, Friday after Thanksgiving Day is here, a deeply family time that each of us take part by going to the mall of choice, to buy shit we don't need.

#corporateamerica #corporate #America #sentiments #transformed #midnight #sales #rampage-riddled #made #madeinchina #weworkforthem #blackfriday #consume #shopping #malls #new #thinking #about #holidays #about #our #own #consumption #habits #prioritize #lives #place #value #beyond #material #commercial #instead #focus #on #meaningful
#break #from #cashregister #reflecting #dependent #really #conspicuous #consumption

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