Simon .....

..... in front of the oil pump.

I've spent most of today trying to avoid doing household chores ( life is too short to dust ). Part of the chore avoiding included a trip in to town to pay a cheque in to the bank and a quick browse at the books in a few charity shops.

On my way back from town I stopped off at the Toast House tea room as they'd left a message at work for me last week asking if I could take a photo for their Christmas menu, unfortunately I was in London last week and called in too late. I still took a few quick photos of the lovely ladies today though.

Most days I walk past the local MOT garage and have always thought their oily wall looked photogenic, so today as I was passing asked if I could take a photo of one of the chaps in there in front of it. Simon drew the short straw as his boss was too camera shy, so today's blip is .....

..... Simon in front of the oil pump.

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