
By PeterMay

A Fine Day

The sun returned today, the storm clouds cleared and the temperature rose. But the sea still piled in all along the coast in thunderous breakers. This was taken looking back towards the port from the fishing village we walk to every morning. The breakwater protects the fishermen's houses and the fish restaurants from the worst of the winter storms. We usually walk back along the inside of it on a path that gives spectacular views to the north. It was impossible today because of the spray being thrown up by the waves breaking over giant rocks on the other side of it.

The night before last, at the height of the storm, we experienced an earthquake that measured 3 on the Richter Scale. There were four "events" in the space of just over 3 seconds. Two out in the Straits of Gibraltar, and two near the motorway that wends along the foot of the mountains a few kilometers inland. We were at the very centre of it and felt the whole building shake. We found online information about it here. It reminded me of research I did for a book into the 1964 earthquake at Agadir in Morocco - not so very far away from here. It flattened the town and killed 16,000 people in 15 seconds. Power beyond our control. Scary!

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