Treasure Everywhere

By RobT

Goodbye Leiter / Hello Again Leica

A photographic photograph.

The book is 'Early Colour', containing the work of American photographer Saul Leiter, who died on Tuesday. He was almost 90, so he had the proverbial good innings. Spookily, I read this sad news immediately after returning from an unsuccessful trip to Waterstones to find this book, having researched him as part of my photography degree course. The shop didn't have it, so I ended up ordering it online. The photos are beautiful, but Amazon sent a French text version by mistake so it's going back... :-(

The camera is my Leica X1, which failed to sell on eBay not once, but twice this week. Ironically the week where a special edition new Leica camera fetched $1.8m at a charity auction! So I'm keeping hold of the Leica and have instead put another camera and a couple of lenses up for sale. Easy come, easy go.

And the connection, apart from the bad rhyme -- Saul Leiter used to shoot with a Leica :-)

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