
By Pisky29

Wintry table

After a constantly disturbed night (neuro-pain continues) my intention was to lie low today.. hence the lazy Blip from the garden.

However, solitude was not to be, but let me tell you why I feel oddly blessed as a result. (BEWARE, LONG-WINDED WITTERING FOLLOWS!)

While trying to soak away the aches in a shamelessly fragrant, steaming bath, there was a persistent knocking at my front door. I ignored it, remaining submerged. It continued, moved to the back door, then returned, until finally giving up. 15 mins later, the same again, even more persistent, continued at the back of the house, and then a pattering of objects bouncing off my bedroom window, and someone shouting my name.

Fearing the worst, I surfaced reluctantly, put on a bath robe and stomped to the front door, throwing it open with a "what the hell do you want" sort of an expression. It was a friend & neighbour, who'd been at a local establishment when my first visitor had come in to see if anyone had seen or heard from me, as she'd been to my house to see if I was ok after my hospital trip. She noted my car there, my curtains shut and no response, and was concerned. Our mutual mate M had also apparently been trying to make contact, and hoofed back to my house, determined to see if all was well..including peppering my windows with soft missiles to rouse my attention!

So, I was touched by the concern, especially from folk who I wouldn't describe as close friends.

Later on today I had three separate visits from friends all who just wanted to see if I was ok, all of whom had brought food & drink gifts in case I needed comestible cheeriness, one of whom had plundered M&S and delivered something akin to a Red Cross food parcel!

Sometimes you really don't know just how lucky you are, and how others may be thinking of you.

I've a lot to think about.

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