Blowin in the Wind

The rest of the country had a bad day today …Well some parts worse than others but here was just a tad or a tad ++ windy. Wellington had 100Km +++ winds but The Boss just put his light wind jacket on when we took off after breakkie (mine too) for a blipathon. Sticks were off the agenda completely as I would have never been able to swim out in this wind and so we walked the lakefront and I kinda liked the way my ears floated backwards. I was hoping The Boss would photograph my ears but he settled for these guys who were trying very hard not to be blown ashore and had created the composition he liked. He had no time to get the other camera out so this is a crooooooped iPhone shot…Sorry.
Quick post tonight as there is a program on dogs in a few minutes which I probably should watch. Might learn something.

Bigger canoe?



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