My happy little life

By khoola

#lovember 29

I love the boy. I love his quiet confidence. I love that he's me on the outside, and the Mr on the inside. I love that he appears to be going with the flow while gently manipulating situations to go the way he wants them to (as I said, he's his dad's lad). I love that he sticks his tongue out when he's concentrating, just like the grandad he never got to meet. I love that he sleeps like the dead, and snores like a beast. I love his crazy bed hair. I love that he still sleeps with Right Bear, and has always refused to have anything to do with the imposter (but identical - if significantly less loved) Wrong Bear. I love that he doesn't walk, he skips and dances. I love how much he loves to sing, especially when he doesn't know the words. He doesn't appear to know the tune most of the time either. I love how much he wants to get things right, and do his best. I love how he wants to make everybody happy, all of the time. I love that he'll try anything, just to find out if he likes it. I love that he's 6 going on 40. I love that he shares my "eclectic" taste in music. I love how often he tells everyone that he loves them. I love his obsession with dinosaurs. I love that he knows that dragons don't exist, but that he keeps checking just in case. I love his thirst for knowledge. I love him for teaching me to love like I'd never loved before. I love him for unknowingly forcing me to make one of the hardest and best decisions of my life. I love the beautiful boy he is and the wonderful young man he's becoming.

I love my Jamie.

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