Ffion's finger

This explains the finger smudges on my lens!

The last time we saw Ffion she was after my camera.

We spent a great evening with this little one and her parents last night, with a take away curry, a few beers and a catch up. Her Daddy was not feeling so bright as he has picked up an unpleasant illness from his recent trekking trip to Nepal. I'll spare you the details..... but on top of that he had been making pancakes for Ffion and decided that he would impress her with a bit of pancake tossing. Unfortunately he momentarily forgot the handle of the pan folds in so as he went to toss the pancake the whole contents flipped over on to his arm and gave him a real nasty burn... ouch, ooch eech.

After some early morning play time with Ffion we set off for home. We are back now to a freezing house and a wagon load of dirty washing.

I will now attempt to catch up with my commenting.

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