
By cordelia

T Rex Planet Tour Cancer Awareness Day 5

Happy St Andrews Day.

Rexy helped with the cooking today! We made lemon curd (recipe here : http://scottishcountryhouse.wordpress.com/2011/07/15/easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy-lemon-curd-recipe/) and I have to say that it is the best lemon curd ever made!

Today's blip is dedicated to my husband's late wife who also loved cooking and his brother who died from bone cancer.

Check out information about bone cancer http://www.cancerresearchuk.org/cancer-help/type/bone-cancer/about/symptoms-of-bone-cancer or www.nhsinform.co.uk (UK) or contact your own GP who will have leaflets and more information..

Rexy is travelling the globe to raise awareness and here's how the whole thing works....

"T. rex is travelling the globe promoting cancer awareness. One person keeps the T-Rex for a week and take photos portraying the T-Rex however she/he feels like, be creative, have fun. Dedicate the photos to whoever you feel like, post them here and in the social media of your choice, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, just make sure tag your photos #t_rex_planet_tour_cancer_awareness.

When the person finishes with the 7th or more photos she/he will send the T-Rex to another person in any place on the planet, and that other person will send to another one and so on..."

Check out the fb page:

Why not take a look at the following link .... spotting symptoms early can make a difference to survival rates:

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