
By Mikey88

Launceston Castle

We had a trip to Homeleigh Garden Centre just outside Launceston to day. Mrs Mikey, our daughter, the mother-in-law and me. Unfortunately, I had agreed to go before realising that the Rugby League World Cup Final was on. To cap it all, they wanted to go round the Christmas section - which we did, at great length.

They poked and picked and oohed and ahhed, while I simmered. We arrived at about two o'clock and left as the sun was going down, which was the one bright spot of the afternoon - the sun was going down behind the castle and there were some excellent tree silhouettes, as well as this one with the castle in the shot. This time, they had to wait for me!

We nearly got done for shoplifting as we left. As Mrs Mikey went through the exit, the alarms went off. She turned and went back in to see what was wrong and two staff descended on her. They checked the bags and couldn't find anything wrong (as there wasn't) then tried to walk out with the bag themselves and the alarm went off again. More checking and running our purchases through the machine which was supposed to cancel the security, but still the alarms went off.

In the end, they realised that we weren't trying to shoplift and sent us on our way and we got back just in time for the Wales v Australia match (which would have been my preference, if I could only watch one of them!)

Hope your Saturdays have gone well.

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