Poor little possum

In our house, we leave the laundry window open so Raj can get out onto the deck, and we leave the family room window open so he can come back in that way if he so chooses. He likes to do laps, racing across the deck in one window, through the house, and out through the other window.

Anyway, last night, he broke all records - charging round and round and round. It was well -past bed time, so we decided to put a stop to it, and I went outside to get him in.

I could immediately see the cause of all the panic. This lovely little brushtail possum was at the very top of our cherry tree - no doubt climbing up to try and get at the bird seed. She seemed to me to be small, so I wouldn't be surprised if this is her first breeding season.

Furry tummy

You can see she's a she, by the pouch slit in the middle of her tummy. I rather think she's got a baby in there too. Possums are marsupials, same as kangaroos.

We have a love/hate relationship with possums. If you get them in your roof it's a nightmare. They hold parties with hobnail boots on, and scream at the top of their voices if there's an orgy. On the other hand they are Australian natives and we have reduced their natural habitat to the extent that they have to forage around human habitation in order to survive. They are opportunists.

Some idiot took them over to New Zealand, where they have caused enormous damage, wiping out whole forests. The New Zealanders are fighting back, and you can now get stunning possum knitting yarn, and the most sumptuous possum fur throws. Expensive but gorgeous.

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