Wholesome Poulsom

By Mrs77

Daddy taxi

So 77 is starting on his second week of paternity leave, the weather was lovely if a little cold so another trip out into the woods at Corstorphine hill. Baby S seems to like being carried around in the baby bjorn which suits us as a) he sleeps once we get going and b) it allows us to get out for a decent walk which I definetly missed doing in the last weeks of my pregnancy. In the evening we gave the wee man a bath but instead of calmly falling asleep he decided to have a bit of a screaming fit which lasted a good few hours....too early for colic I suspect but we might be getting into the dreaded over tired wont settle at night. Luckily both of us are reasonably relaxed and the sounds of screaming are not too distressing although we have dug out a set of earplugs each to cope with the really high decibel stuff!

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