As the day was dawning

I got up early this morning to go for my run. This is the view of the sunrise I was rewarded with at around 8.30am. It's so nice to run in the light at the weekend. At this time in the morning there was barely any traffic or pedestrians about so I had the streets to myself. Perfection.

I then went into town to meet my friend Colin for brunch. He's a good family friend from Newcastle and he and his mate, Graham, are up in Scotland tonight to see Nitro Circus in Glasgow. It was lovely to see them and wander round the Christmas markets.

I was planning on going to Craigmillar Castle this afternoon, as part of the St Andrew's Day free entry (see yesterday) but I now find myself walking home instead! I think I'm all castled out from yesterday and besides, I can always go another day!

In other news, I bought my World AIDS Day ribbon from Waverley Care this year - so it's a tartan one instead of just plain red!

Today's run: 10 miles
December running mileage: 10 miles
2013 running mileage: 990 miles

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