living in a glass house

By DandelionTree

December December!

Lovely and busy day today!

When we came downstairs this morning we found that Skipper the elf had made some snowflakes and paper dolls. I said, "Wow, Skipper, you are a clever elf making all of those things!" Chickpea said, "he's not real!" So it seems she's not a believer in the elf magic. I asked who made the snowflakes as I was in bed and it wasn't her right? She said, "They must have just appeared." She did say she really likes Skipper, though, and enjoyed his song ("Jingle poo") (I couldn't resist!).

Anyway, we hung the snowflakes where Chickpea said they should go and we went off for a drive to Alderly Edge to pick up a Christmas present and for the lovely walk. It is beautiful there and luckily a mild day. The kiddos had fun digging in the mud, climbing and fishing in the muck. They came home with mud everywhere, it was fabulous!

Monkey quote of the day--
Every time he saw a fallen tree or large branch (and there were a lot!) he said, "Stickman! Stickman!"

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