Norfolk AIDS Book of Remembrance

Today is World AIDS Day, a day designated by the UN when we particularly remember those who have died from AIDS, those who are living with HIV/AIDS and also those who love and care for them.

I feel privileged to have been part of the Remembrance Service held at St John the Baptist church on Timberhill in Norwich where the Norfolk AIDS Book of Remembrance is kept and which you see here. As part of the service there was a reading of the names of people who have died from AIDS and whose names have been submitted for inclusion.

This wonderfully inclusive service was just one hour long and myself and my friends in the Sing with Pride choir sang three songs:

I stand tall
Somewhere over the rainbow and
E marabini

E marabini is a traditional Xhosa song about an orphan. It asks 'who will look after this child?. E marabini is sung with a new meaning today as the orphan population increases due to the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

It was lovely that Roland came along too as did Anto, the musician who I did photos for at his album launch on Friday evening.

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