
By SpotsOfTime

Tottling Stone

It looked like a good day in the north but I had it in mind to visit old haunts and ended up at a rather grey Thirlmere. George said he put this up here as a bit of fun after a day's work on the forestry. He also said he was a strapping young chap then with muscles in his (...not to be repeated in polite blip company). Yeah, right George. I went in search of the Barter Stone that we had chanced upon on a walk several lifetimes ago, high above Launchy Gill, but to no avail. Climbing up the Launchy Gill path which I helped build many years ago I was inspired reading RunAndrewRun's blip with Rosetti's 'Sudden Light' poem and his comments on the circularity of life. Little did I realise 25 years ago that I would be climbing this path and reviewing my handywork under such different circumstances.

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