
By Catbrook

Hornpot Lane Nether

Another snickelway blip: another ridiculous name.

Not much blipping of late; it's self-enforced non-blipping because I need as much time as I can get to do other things. 'Other things' include studying for a qualification in proofreading (I reserve the right to make as many grammatical/spelling errors as I want on my blip) and studying Spanish (there is a chance I will get to use it early next year). I'm also reading a book called 'How to get a job you'll love', in the hope that it will help me figure out what the hell I want to do with my life (I'll let you know how that goes...) and I'm trying to make more time to read novels, do more exercise, improve photoshop skills and edit travelling photos (of which there are thousands).

Had a great weekend, went to Sophie's and Dale's on Friday along with Can and Rob for catching up and rum-fueled trampolining (just as difficult as you would imagine). Then hugely productive Saturday (doing some of the above) and today was my first time out with the camera for ages. Really beautiful day with blue sky and wispy clouds and there was a huge food festival which required me to do a lot of food tasting... hmmm

probably worth a look large

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