
By Robbwood1973

In The Eye of the Beholder

Peeling paint and disintegrating ply board.

My garden shed door has been in need of drastic maintenance for some time.

Throwing aside my usual procrastination, I plunged in early this weekend dehinging the eyesore and with my best amateur DIY skills, I commenced its beautification.

This unplanned project involved several trips to the local hardware.

Scarring the skyline en route is the most hideous, cylindrical, flagstaff-like edifice newly erected in one of our local retail car yards.

Most unnaturally perched aloft this 10 metre pole is a jeep with four spider-like arms splayed beneath its undercarriage to illuminate and further subject us to its ugliness at night!!

It is also on our main thoroughfare into our town.

You may have gathered, I don’t like it.

To back up my rant, I thought today’s blip should give you a visual.

I blipped it from every angle. I could manage no redeeming image!

Settled on this rather abstract ugly monster-like head in the sky.
I think even the sky reflected my dark opinion.

Meanwhile and on the contrary, my shed door reincarnation is progressing steadily with the aim to be pleasing to the eye of the beholder.

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