Walking off the pumpkin pie

These are two of my most amazing friends. They are 75 years old, and five mornings a week they drive to a local church and walk at least a mile and a half before they do anything else.

They are the reason we are still playing wallyball. Every Thursday evening (now, but it used to be Fridays) for the last 25 winters they have joined our group to play for at least two hours. Wallyball is NOT an easy sport. It's lots of movement, anticipating plays, controlling your contact with the ball, and playing angles from the walls. It takes stamina and skill, and these two have led the way for a very long time.

I am trying to walk with them at least once a week...it's fun and the time goes fast because our jaws get the most exercise!

This morning we were joined by Timmy, who celebrated 1000 blips this weekend!!! I couldn't ask for a better way to burn off some calories!!

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