an old cynic's view

By superhero

From yesterday's beauty to today's Desolation

This is the site of Denny's shipyard ,after which it was an oil related business.
Since the 70s it was used as a lorry and container park for Ballantines whisky.
The whisky people moved about 90s to a new site.
Then the fun began
All sorts of grand plans were put in place about shopping malls, river walkways.museums,
You name it the council and various other charlatans came up with good ideas.
None were ever put in place as when the banking crash came a house-builder company went bust and it has lain derelict ever since.
The scoundrels in power in the local council are in need of a new secondary school.
This would would be an ideal site, I hear you say.
But alas the council have decided to build the new school in Levengrove Park.
Probably the only decent beauty spot on the riverside
There is not the road infrastructure for this and a new bridge costing millions will be needed across the River Leven.
I don't live in the town any more but I am totally disgusted at the dictatorial methods used by the local authority and would ask anyone on Facebook to share this to show the council's
madness to the wider world
Thank you

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