
I watched a film last night that, at times, beggared belief. It was the documentary Room 237, all about the various theories surrounding hidden messages and meanings in Stanley Kubrick's The Shining.

So, I now know that the film might be all about the genocide of the Native American, or the Third Reich, or may simply be Kubrick's way of admitting that he did indeed film all the footage of the faked moon landings. And you can also see Kubrick's face in the clouds during the opening scene (you can't!) and the poster of a skier in the hotel office is actually a minotaur (it isn't!) and there is a dissolve near the end where Jack Nicholson's hairline actually morphs into the exact shape of Hitler's moustache (it doesn't!) - and of course these theories are all put forward by complete obsessives who no doubt have seen the face of Mother Theresa in a Chelsea bun. Absolute codswallop, but very entertaining nonetheless.

And the soundtrack is cracking.

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