
By ApeMcDoug10

Poor Baby

Don't ever give your cat ibuprofen! Even if it's a third of a tablet!!

I made that stupid mistake tonight. Sammy looked sick and was shaking like he had the chills so I gave him a small piece of an ibuprofen. Instead of looking up if it was ok before I gave it, I did it after and freaked out. Although it takes like 2 100mg tablets to make cats sick... I hurried to the 24-hr vet. Yeah, yeah... he threw up on the way there (he does that when in the kennel in the car...) yet I still took him in and paid $350...

I'm so mad at myself. 1) I should have used more common sense 2) I knew after he threw up he was ok although he was fine before that too...

Moral of the story. Look up things you're unsure about before going ahead with them.

Today was my first day on psych too. Today alone I saw a pt cuss out our team (very angry) and learned what a T-bar is...


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