Tech Marketing Guy

By tmg


Today was a great day. The cool weather continued, but the sky was cloudless and the sun shown brightly. Temperatures peaked at about 70 degrees fahrenheit (~21C) and I took advantage and went for a long walk with the little TMGs.

It is amazing to see the different personalities of my little guys. The youngest is half the age of his brother and yet refused to ride in the stroller and wanted to walk the entire time. His brother, on the other hand, decided he was tired and spent most of the walk in the stroller which I brought for exactly this purpose. The younger one took a nap earlier, but his strong will and high is a reflection of his personality. He is constantly on the go and never wants to stop.

In this shot, we see a pond where we stopped. This is a water source for the nearby cranberry bogs and much of the water has been drained this late in the summer. The complete stillness of the water made a good backdrop for this shot. However, I wanted to add a bit more interest to the shot and so encourage the little TMGs to throw rocks in the water and create ripples. They were happy to oblige and I like the effect this adds to the water.

Post processing
None, straight from the camera

Constructive criticism always welcome

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