Flowerpower's journal

By Flowerpower

A seasonal surprise

A busy day at school including a bonus music cover lesson WITH instruments. Have you ever heard 30 kids trying to play one Christmas tune all slightly off key and out of time all at once? I have. I never want to hear it again.

The good news is I have finally been reunited with my laptop - £100, a replacement hard drive and three weeks later. I won't be using that particular company again.

On my way home I popped into my local supermarket and discovered some Christmas cheer! There was a small group of singers who regaled shoppers with a range of Christmas classics. It was lovely to hear 'Deck the Halls' whilst I wondered up the vegetable aisle. I asked if I could take their picture and they agreed.

Off to singing later for our last rehearsal before the big Christmas Concert on Saturday night. Let's hope we can all remember the words!

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