My Photographic Footprint

By Theodora8

Is it?

I was walking past the Rutland Antique Centre this morning when this dolls house caught my eye.

I had one identical when I was a child.
I had filled it with 1960's furniture and gadgets. But was never a real doll lover, so I moved a family of Cabbage White caterpillars in instead.
They happily munched cabbage leaves and loafed around on the sofa and tables, they might have even had a go on the ironing board.
They then pupated.
The walls were hung with butterflies in waiting.
But some turned into a scene from Alien.
Instead of white winged butterflies emerging, and waiting by their discarded shells, awaiting the swelling of their wings, horrible grubs burst through the backs of the chrysalis's.
I was horrified.
The dolls house was abandoned.
It was sold. Sold, around four miles from where this sorry house now stands, all these decades later.
I opened the front and looked inside for any hints of caterpillar carnage, but it looked innocent enough.
It was not a rare dolls house. I am sure masses were made. I doubt it was mine once. But it stopped me in my tracks.
The sign days it needs a bit of TLC. I think it needs a lot.

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