Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess

Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!

Yesterday's cold winds, storm clouds and brilliant sunset all promised that snow was on the way. I woke up to find snow and icy roads. Thankfully, I really didn't need to go out today. I needed to talk with clients, but I could do that over the phone. D, my friend who is remodeling our bathrooms, called to say that he would be over later in the morning after the roads were sanded. The snow continued throughout the day. It started to slow in the afternoon, so I took some time to shovel off the front walkway, driveway and the deck. There was clearly 12" on the back deck. By late afternoon, however, the snow stopped, the sky cleared and we had another beautiful sunset. The clear sky promises a very cold night.

Having a consulting practice can be frustrating from time to time. Today, I spent quite a bit of time talking with one of the geologists that I work with. He and I are both consulting for the same client on the same project. We have a crucial deadline to meet to file documents with various governmental agencies, which includes a substantial sum in fees. We both have repeatedly advised the client of the impending deadlines, but the client has gone silent on us - never a good sign! This generally means that the client has not obtained the funds necessary to pay the fees. Very likely, the client will provide the funding at the very last minute. The client did assure us that he intends to go forward, but did not give any indication when he was providing the funding. Doing anything with a governmental agency at the last minute, particularly around the holidays, is never a good thing and have devastating consequences. And, since I will be the one filing the documents, this will mean more travel for me very close to the holidays when I have family members coming in from all over the world. I have advised my client of all of this, so we shall see. So much for a stress-free holiday season.

On the brighter side, I am so looking forward to having everyone for Christmas this year. My daughter, who you all know as ramblerstale, is coming home for Christmas. And my mom and brother are driving down from Oregon. We have also invited my oldest daughter and son in law and the grandchildren. It should be a great time!

Now, I just need to do my Christmas shopping, decorate, etc. etc. etc.

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