Mystery Solved!

What, you may be asking yourselves, could be so mysterious about a bunch of little shells?

Yesterday, we left our cottage early to go visit the volcano and botanical gardens in Soufriere. When we returned, we went to lunch at the beach, and wiled away several lazy hours with the sand between our toes, and salt water in our hair. We didn't return to our place until about 4:30 p.m., and much to our dismay our room had yet to be made up, Considering that the maid usually arrives at around 6:00 p.m. to turn the bed down for the night, we were stymied as to why the bed had yet to be made!

When she eventually showed up, she smiled shyly, and explained that she had not entered our room yet because the shells were hanging on the outside of our door. This is a signal meaning "Privacy, Please". We had a good laugh about that ... she must have been wondering what on earth we were getting up to ALL DAY that needed so much privacy! The real mystery, though, is how did those shells get hung on the outside of the door? Neither Mr. W nor I remember moving them there!

PS: Even though this happened yesterday, I didn't take the photograph until this morning, in order to fully comply with Blipping rules ... and I didn't forget to move the shells back to the inside of the door after I was finished!

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