Safely home from the vets


ebony suited
to sleep
soundly safe
at home

Max and I made it home from the vet experience. I feel a bit shaky and he vomited coming and going, the drive is barely five minutes. His vet thought he looked remarkably well, thin, but with lovely fur. His blood glucose was a bit low, so he had a snack there and she decided to cut his daily insulin dose a bit. He has cataracts and I'll not go into the condition of his remaining teeth. He's too old to do anything with them, and he eats as if they don't bother him. She ordered a thyroid panel and we'll see. The pacing and vocalization might improve with thyroid meds, but it could be a bit of feline senility. His heart murmur was heard, but nothing scary. He's resting in the sun now after a big meal. I think I need a scotch.

For the Record,
This day came in with a slight coating of frost everywhere.

All hands healthy , but a bit stressed

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