The excamination day

Blipping causes irrational behavior. I had couple of extra minutes before the examination so what did I do? Run to the bridge near the university to take a few photos. (I was at the uni barely on time...) It was a sunny day and after the exam it would be dark already. Construction of the tower hotel has reached the top floor.

Those photos were the only ones I took today. I had some examination stress, mostly because I started studying too late, but I assume I'll pass.

The latest PISA results were announced yesterday and Finland has dropped in the OECD's comparison of test results from 15-year-old pupils in 65 countries and regions. It placed 12th in mathematics, which was the main theme this year. Asian cities and countries took the top five places. In Europe, Finland ranks lower than Liechtenstein, Switzerland, the Netherlands and neighbouring Estonia. Coming in fifth of the European nations, it was still the best-rated of the five Nordic countries, with Denmark quite a bit further down the league table. However Finland ranked best in Europe in the other two categories: reading and science.

Lot's of discussion and speculation in the media, ?

-5 C, sunny

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