Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Pendeford Poolside Path

An interesting day at work. Started with a briefing for all staff on two issues that will have a significant effect on the way they work. Firstly, my service is to pilot something called "Workstyle". This is a flexible approach to work, looking at various options, including home working, mobile working hot desking and other agile approaches to delivering our services.

Secondly I had to tell them that we were having to reduce the size of the offices we occupy, in one case moving 6 extra staff into an office already occupied by 7 people. And we have to achieve the move before Christmas!

When you realise that there is currently very little space available in this office because of files and other storage, it will be a big ask. I have the dubious honour of project managing the move. I will let you know how it goes (maybe I should have photographed the office before and after - may not be too late).

Anyway after delivering the briefing to all staff this morning the sunny weather drew me out from the offices at lunchtime for a quick walk around the local nature reserve. Given the windy weather forecast for tomorrow it may be a final opportunity to capture trees with leaves still on the branches.

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