Live it loud!

By Lostpixel


Having failed miserably to get a blip yesterday, I had two come along today.

I spent much of yesterday evening on an idea, but, I failed to get something I was happy with. Am going to have to consider it WIP. More care, better planning and considered execution required.

Took a short walk into the park at lunchtime down to the pair of trees I've blipped before. I've put the image on both colour and mono here!

The sky was fabulous but it needed a 3 shot pano to do it justice. This image covers something like 140 degrees horizontally.

But, as I was leaving this evening, Sally from across the office shouted, Ian bring your camera…. The end of the sunset was really dramatic with the colours, the sliver of the moon and what I presume is venus above the tree. This was handheld and I realised later I should have gone for a much wider aperture (on the G15 the DoF is pretty huge so would have easily have coped getting the trees to the sky in focus). As a consequence, it is a bit soft due to vibration. The colours however are lovely.

I prefer the colour pano but know this image will get more interest. Tell me which you prefer.

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