
By belldream

cute little "dolphin"

Hi there! :)
This will be my first post here.
My life is a bit boring, so don't expect too much..

Today i went out a bit with a friend during afternoon.
Is nice to see the stores all with christmas decor and related stuff. makes everything more happy, colorful and cozy.
Also, i went out to pick up my mom's coat on the store (finally i convinced her to buy a new one) :)
oh! And i saw this cute little thing that i couldn't resist. A small coin purses in a whale shape (or a fatty dolphin :3 ), has you can see from the photo.
The night time come so soon now. At 6pm is already dark. bah! I hate that.
...and it's also very cold brrr (>.<)
That's all for today!

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