Still Tin-opener hunting.

We bought the best tin-opener since the invention of sliced bread at one of the "Continental Fairs" a year or two ago.
Since then, Gaffer's fallen for it in a big way, as have I, and can we heckaslike find another, on or off t'Internet.
SO. We thought we'd have a dash off to the Newcastle one and try there. It seems that "Continental" is slowly changing its meaning, to either "World-wide" or "Food". It seem that at least 75% of the stalls were selling food, and yes bit was continental(s) inasmuch as it appeared to include, at least the Indian Sub-continent.
As we guessed there would be food, but are neither of us overly keen on street munching, or "Nosebag" feeding we thought we'd stop off at Brockbushes Farm en route for a spot of scran.
As we expected ... Christmas has erupted.
A) Little in Newcastle was either suitable or sharp enough
B) We sort of smiled a bit at the array of wooden reindeer, sheep, etc.
So this is it for today.

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