
By sazzyroo88


Well phase two of proving myself before I know the outcome was bringing all my pinging, rail, heat exchanger etc knowledge out and fingers crossed its enough. Although way things sound no point me even trying. But had to wear visitor kit seen as I can't get my PPE that fits result being after a long walk two blisters. So now the walking wounded has blisters, stabbing pains, dodgy ankle and sore back :-(

But then went to KB and took it easy so glad I went seen as grading this weekend just needed to watch so I don't forget things. So happy to now go to a diff gym seen as I'm not breaking any rules and no way I can be stopped going finally something no one can take off me.

Nice lay in tomorrow empty house sofa film then bible study. So deffo my diamond for the day was finding something good for me to do that he can't stop me doing. Lost my main gym for kickboxing lost my circuits, dancing and clubs. But for once something good taken 10 months but finally.

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