Gaia's Child

By maura143

Old Friends Are the Best

Jenny and JAZ are Lifelong Friends.

Jenny is turning 17 years old. She is about 95% deaf and probably at least that % blind. She is a very gentle and loving dog who could never see the purpose of learning Tricks. Oh, she learned to Sit, but that was enough! She was abandoned at the Middle School where I worked. The students kept telling me about the "lost puppy" asking me to Please save her. I tried mightily to find someone to take her, I failed and took her home myself. She loves all dogs, children and cats, but for some unknown reason Hates Chickens...unless they're in her dinner bowl!

JAZ is 15 years old, we adopted her from the Humane Society in Miami. She is mostly Greyhound with some Border Collie thrown in for FUN! She is the Athletic Daughter I always wanted! She and I participated in Agility but only for FUN, we never competed. She was a Frisbee Star, if only in my mind! JAZ is very, very Smart. She understands a large number of words and commands. She is now pretty much deaf but those Sight-Hound eyes are still pretty sharp! She still, occasionally, gives the Tree Rats a run for their money! JAZ is our Best Dog Ever!

Jenny and JAZ have been about as close as two dogs can be for all these years. Not sloppy or sappy close, but respectful and caring of and for each other. And they both Tolerate Maica...Age 2.5.

Old Friends are the Best :)

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