Some latte art ...

How beautiful is this??? Got this cafe mocha at our local coffee shop, they really know how to make these well. I would love to learn how to do this, really!!!

Got some more decorating done but still not the tree ... I feel like I should wait till the 7th as we always have had it up for that date, which was my dad's birthday. Although this 7th is the school fair and I really don't think I'll get it done! Maybe tomorrow. Hmmm!

Been a busy full on day and I've done too much and lifted too much. I shall sleep well tonight, on our new, fluffy, luxuriously feathery mattress topper. Just lovely.

Tomorrow, last of our current bible study followed by some celebrations for my dear friend Merrilee's up and coming very 'special' birthday.

Thankful today that I had the energy to do so much!

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