
By memento

Looking for Mary

I lead a sheltered, peaceful life.

How do I know this? Because today, while war raged in many parts of the world, famine claimed untold numbers of lives, assassination and terror plots were foiled, floods swept away homes and people battled disease, pestilence and poverty all over the world, I went looking for Mary.

Poppins, that is - the frilly one. It took a very large chunk of my afternoon. I promised a bright eyed six year old that for Halloween, I would make her look "just like in the movie, but it's okay if it isn't exactly the same because when the people made the movie, they used those things for the dress and we may not be able to find it again." To her, the only news headline today is that I found all the materials, down to the smallest detail (with some creative license) and will start sewing it tomorrow.

And that is all I would want her to know.

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