The Geeky Christian

By s90man

Wind interrupts play

So much for my series! Still, it had a pretty good run. I'll see if there's anything left of the blossoms tomorrow, but in this wind I have my doubts! I thought these dessicated seedheads (hypericum inodum) looked kind of cool with the brightly coloured leaves around them.

So it seems today is windy. REALLY windy, as anyone who lives in the UK will have heard or experienced. I really don't think that they forecast this one, though they're doing their best so far not to admit that they missed something! We're lucky down here on the south coast, the channel seems to be escaping the brunt of it.

I've had a pretty good day personally, I'm all ready for a meeting that I have tomorrow with my client and my planning for the course project is pretty much completed!

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